Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Last week I was finally able to get all of Skye's hair into one pony tail. It was cute, but it made her look so different. Not only that, but it didn't last to long before her little fly aways flew away.
Doesn't she have the sweetest face. On another note, my other baby, Brandon, did some exciting things this last week too. Did you ever wonder what would happen if you got hit with a Twizzler? Well, Brandon and Dustin were very curious. And it was not a pretty picture. Guess what? This is what happens. The top is what it looked like right after Brandon hit Dustin. Below was the next morning.
So, if you are ever wondering what would happen, STOP. Don't try it. It will hurt.

Well, Skye just turned eight months on the 28th. I tried a million times to get a good picture, but she would only smile when her little music mirror played. I still could not get a good picture because she kept tilting her head to the side. She is soo silly.

But finally I got a picture of her face. No smile, but I will take what I can get.

She started scooting across the floor about two weeks ago. It is so fun to watch. She does an army crawl and grunts with every stride. I have to be very careful now, if I turn my head for even a second she can end up across the room wrapped up in cords or trying to put her little fingers in the fan. So my eyes are like glue, stuck to her every move, and if for some reason I have to leave the room, the little cutie comes with me. I just don't trust her.

Not only did Skye turn eight months, Koko got her hair cut that day. She was looking so scraggly. I took a picture and you can hardly see where her face is.

The groomer did a wonderful job. Koko looks like a scottie again. Besides it is getting to hot for her to be running around with all that fur.

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