Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Mary
On the 15th of March Dustin invited all of Marybeth's family and friends to the zoo. It was all that she wanted. She was soo excited, not to have her friends and family there, but to see the animals. At every exhibit she was the first in line to see. When we got to the camel rides she begged for someone to go with her. And at the petting zoo you better believe she was the first to go in and see the pets. She is such a big kid and that is why we love her.

All in all we had a wonderful time and hope to go more often. Next time we will try to get the rest of the family out there.


Easter was early this year and it really surprised us. Grandma and Grandpa Maurer were able to help out with the baby so that both of us could go to work. Luckily we were the first ones there and we were able to leave first. So after work we drove out to Mark and Debbie's. Oh, dinner was fantastic. There was ham, fruit jello, homemade potatos, potato skins, coleslaw, and much more.

So we tried to get a good easter picture of the baby, but lets face it we're no photographer. Well, this is the best picture and it's actually the only one of her smiling. She kept grabbing the grass and trying to eat it. In every other picture she kept giving us a sour face.

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